
Course Description

In this course, you will learn how to navigate the process of pitching a startup investment opportunity in order to gain investor interest. Through opportunities to both build and evaluate a pitch, both entrepreneurs and investors will gain insight into each other’s perspective. In this course, you will analyze a real-world pitch to see how closely it conforms to the recommended format for a great pitch. You will then select three potential investors online and explain why they would make a good fit with your own or a selected opportunity. Finally, you will build a partial pitch deck based on selected key concepts, and then partner with a peer from your cohort to deliver, evaluate, and strengthen those pitch deck slides. By the end of this course you will have the confidence you need to create or assess a startup pitch.

You are required to have completed the following course or have equivalent experience before taking this course:

  • Startup Viability and Funding Options

Faculty Author

Tom Schryver

Benefits to the Learner

  • Develop a pitch from an entrepreneur perspective that anticipates and convincingly addresses investor questions and differentiates you as an investment opportunity
  • Evaluate a pitch and ask appropriate questions to clarify the opportunity and qualify the investment
  • Anticipate and execute post-pitch follow-up to get to a “Yes”

Target Audience

  • Entrepreneurs seeking funding for their startup
  • People who have an original or disruptive idea
  • Novice investors

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Center for Regional Economic Advancement
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