
Course Description

A leader's listening ability has a tremendous impact on their effectiveness. Professor Judi Brownell's HURIER model of listening provides a comprehensive method of listening improvement. In this course, you will assess your listening skills, set personal goals, and plan a development strategy. The application of listening principles to Servant Leadership and the development of emotional intelligence are emphasized.

You will use the HURIER self-assessment instrument to assess your personal listening skills then solicit feedback from your colleagues to compare your self-assessment results to their perceptions. You will then reflect on the results and create a SMART — specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound — listening goal. As you move forward in the course, you will take on the role of a Servant Leader and determine how to facilitate a listening environment. You will observe and analyze a team and create an action plan to recommend improvements to the listening environment. Finally, you will examine three emerging issues that impact listening in the workplace and the larger social environment: diversity, ethics, and technology. After taking this course, you will be prepared to foster a strong listening environment within your organization and set clear goals for your continued skill development.

Faculty Author

Judi Brownell

Benefits to the Learner

  • Apply the HURIER model to identify personal listening strengths and challenges
  • Process and respond to feedback for professional development and increased personal effectiveness
  • Create an action plan to improve team listening and address organizational challenges
  • Address emerging listening challenges and new listener responsibilities

Target Audience

  • Anyone new to leadership
  • Aspiring managers
  • Individual contributors
  • Managers
Cornell Nolan School of Hotel Administration
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