
Course Description

In this course, you will begin using functions to create cleaner and more efficient code. You will begin using built-in functions as well as writing your own functions to accomplish a specific task. In order to find solutions to more complex problems, you will practice breaking down large programming tasks into smaller, well-defined pieces. At the same time, you will define and execute plans to build those solutions.You will further practice planning, coding, and debugging as a full end-to-end process in order to strengthen your skills as a novice programmer.

The following courses are required to be completed before taking this course:

  • Fundamentals of Programming
  • Writing Programs That Make Decisions
  • Coding Multi-Part Problems

Faculty Author

Kyle Harms

Benefits to the Learner

  • Write modular code using functions
  • Write syntactically correct functions that perform a specific task
  • Break a large programming task into small, well-defined pieces
  • Create and execute a plan for a program
  • Analyze function execution to identify the source of errors

Target Audience

  • Novice and self-taught programmers
  • Web development career starters
  • Small business owners managing a website
Cornell Computing and Information Science
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