
Course Description

More than ever before, HR managers, supervisors, and directors are expected to demonstrate technical acumen while also contributing to organizational success in many other areas. Whether it’s addressing the “people challenges” of large organizational changes or speaking up to protect shared norms and values, HR professionals must now be organizational leaders as well.

In this course, Cornell University's Christopher J. Collins develops insights from his research on the changing role of HR leaders into clear, actionable steps you can take to succeed in this shifting landscape. You will discover the evolving role of the modern HR leader and define what this means for your own role and your goals for growth. You will reflect on the importance of relationships to your success and examine a method by which you can strengthen your working relationships with senior leaders in your organization. You will then explore why acting courageously is key to your success as an HR leader and how to make the difficult decision of when to speak up. Finally, you will discover Professor Collins's SEE change model, the steps of which will help you to ensure the success of major changes at your organization.

Faculty Author

Patrick Wright

Benefits to the Learner

  • Define your role as an HR leader
  • Demonstrate courage as an HR leader
  • Positively influence organizational change

Target Audience

This course is designed for manager-, director-, and executive-level HR professionals who are charged with improving HR's ability to contribute to organizational strategy and success. It is also appropriate for HR professionals seeking the strategic skills required for advancement to management and leadership positions.

Accrediting Associations

ILR School
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