
Course Description

Research shows that engagement is the key factor that promotes higher performance and effort, greater returns, and lower turnover. Yet across companies, industries, and countries, studies show that only 11-19% of employees are highly engaged. In this course, you will examine the foundational drivers of engagement, explore the components of successful engagement initiatives, and identify strategies for creating stronger engagement in teams.

Faculty Author

Lisa Nishii

Benefits to the Learner

  • Make critical distinctions between engagement and satisfaction or commitment
  • Assess a work group for evidence of suboptimal engagement
  • Apply the framework of engagement drivers to diagnose root causes of sub-optimal levels of engagement among employee groups and develop hypotheses about appropriate solutions
  • Choose appropriate strategies for improving engagement within your work group and organization Identify ways to take effective actions to improve engagement

Target Audience

  • Executives responsible for strategic culture efforts
  • Team managers and supervisors
  • Anyone interested in creating an inclusive and supportive culture that promotes equal opportunities and treatment of employees

Accrediting Associations

ILR School
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