
Course Description

For people who want to lose weight, navigating the hundreds of weight loss programs available can be confusing. How then to choose a sound, workable method? This course provides you with the tools you need to critically evaluate weight loss claims and understand who stands to profit from each program. Then, you will learn how social and psychological mechanisms impact how much you eat in order to learn what factors you can control to manage your weight in a healthy, sustainable way.

Faculty Author

David Levitsky, Professor of Nutrition and Psychology, College of Human Ecology

Benefits to the Learner

  • Explain what substrates you are using during each stage of an exercise and how carb loading is beneficial
  • Identify major determinants of amount of food we eat
  • Explain how different types of food prime impact on what and how much you want to eat
  • List ways social and psychological factors impact what and how much we eat
  • Understand how proteins are made
  • Understand how diet is not the major cause of malnutrition

Target Audience

  • Nutrition, health, and wellness professionals looking to gain a stronger understanding of the science of nutrition
  • Fitness and sports professionals, including personal trainers and athletic coaches
  • Anyone interested in personal wellness and living a healthier life
  • Anyone interested in nutrition, weight loss, diet, and exercise

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell University Division of Nutritional Sciences
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