
Course Description

In this course, you will begin to work with web services and applications that allow you to complete certain tasks online. As part of your coursework, you will write a program that connects and pulls data from the web. Expanding upon this, you will then scale your data collection to get large amounts of data in the form of a database, and you will use the data you collect to create your own web service. You will be introduced to a web framework called Flask that utilizes prepackaged HTML templates to allow you to systematically set up and operate your web service, enabling others to interact with your content.

The following course is required to be completed before taking this course:

  • How to Write Programs That Work With Databases

Additionally, you are required to have completed the following courses or have equivalent experience:

  • How to Write Programs That Make Choices With Control Flow
  • How to Write Functions to Automate Repetitive Tasks

Faculty Author

James Grimmelmann

Benefits to the Learner

  • Write a program that downloads data from the web
  • Connect to existing web services to perform actions like posting tweets, processing credit cards, and performing speech recognition
  • Create your own interactive web service

Target Audience

  • Aspiring web developers
  • Data analysts and database management professionals
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Any professional interested in strengthening problem-solving skills and better understanding technology fundamentals
Cornell Tech
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