
Course Description

Good strategy does not exist in isolation: the success and profitability of a business depends not only on the strategic moves that it makes but also on the strategic moves that other firms make. Understanding the strategic linkages between firms can therefore be immensely valuable.

Game theory is a tool specifically designed to analyze and exploit these strategic linkages between the moves made by different firms.

In this course, you will explore the marketplace and identify the key players within your field. Once you have identified the key players, you will analyze their capabilities and motivations. You will consider the physics of business as you map out actions and reactions to your strategic moves. In addition, you will examine how other players perceive you and devise ways to influence these perspectives to your advantage.

Sometimes the best strategic move is to boldly seek to change the game! You will determine how best to do so and strategize accordingly.

Faculty Author

Justin Johnson

Benefits to the Learner

  • Identify the key players in your field of play and analyze their motivations and capabilities
  • Map out likely responses by other players to your competitive moves
  • Investigate other players’ perspectives of your business and strategize accordingly
  • Devise possible ways to change the game to your advantage

Target Audience

  • Senior business leaders
  • Executives
  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Entrepreneurs

Accrediting Associations

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
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