
Course Description

As a project leader you need to be able to distinguish between when conflict is healthy and when it’s damaging to relationships and productivity. In this course, authored by Cornell Instructor Robert Newman, you’ll learn to identify various causes and sources of conflict and learn to foster healthy disagreement within a project team.

You are required to have completed the following course or have equivalent experience before taking this course:

  • Leverage Emotional Intelligence for Project Results

Faculty Author

Robert Newman

Benefits to the Learner

  • Identify causes and sources of conflict
  • Manage conflict in a way that allows the best idea to win
  • Recognize when conflict is damaging and when it’s helpful
  • Identify strategies to address the conflicts and problems that arise from typical errors
  • Use strategies to foster healthy disagreement within the team

Target Audience

Team leaders, managers, and individual contributors responsible for the success of projects of initiatives of any size that involve teams of people. Students need no formal project management training or background. 

Accrediting Associations

Cornell Engineering
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