
Course Description

When your restaurant is busy, every minute can count towards increasing your revenue. Professor Kimes explores how reducing meal duration, even by a single minute, can increase revenue potential. You need to consider the style of your restaurant and your customers when thinking about what an appropriate meal duration is. Then you can analyze the six stages of meal duration to determine where you can reduce time while maintaining a pleasant dining experience for your customers.

Additionally, the way you manage reservations is crucial, especially during busy periods. There are several things you need to decide when it comes to how you are going to take reservations in your restaurant. You will examine the different approaches to taking and managing reservations, whether by phone, online, or mobile. You can use a dedicated website for the restaurant, a third party website, or a third party app.

Professor Kimes will give you practical strategies to determine how you can improve your meal duration and your reservation systems, which are critically important to increasing revenue when your restaurant is at capacity.

Faculty Author

Sheryl Kimes

Benefits to the Learner

  • Develop strategies to manage meal duration when you are busy to increase revenue without rushing guests
  • Explore the ways you can take reservations to improve customer access/interaction and increase revenue

Target Audience

  • Restaurant owners, managers, and operators
  • Foodservice professionals responsible for their organization's financial performance
  • Hospitality professionals
  • Executive chefs

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Nolan School of Hotel Administration
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