
Course Description

Internal employee investigations are complex and require a step-by-step process. Following a proven process helps organizations ensure that a fair and thorough method is being used for determining whether there have been serious policy violations.

In this course, you will focus on the role and competencies required of internal investigators, be introduced to the components of the internal investigations process, and explore topics that impact the entire process. You will also have the opportunity to identify specific knowledge, skills, and insights you would like to transfer and apply to your role as an investigator.

The following course is required to be completed before taking this course:

  • Conducting Effective Employee Relations Conversations

Faculty Author

Susan Brecher

Benefits to the Learner

  • Examine core concepts related to internal investigations
  • Explore the role of the investigator throughout the investigations process
  • Identify competencies that apply to the internal investigations process
  • Examine the components of the internal investigations process

Target Audience

  • HR professionals
  • Employee relations managers
  • Generalists seeking to move into a specialized role

Accrediting Associations

Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution, ILR School
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