
Course Description

The ability to make effective and timely decisions is an essential skill for successful executives. Mastery of this skill influences all aspects of day-to-day operations as well as strategic planning. In this course, developed by Professor Robert Bloomfield, Ph.D. of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management, you will hone your decision-making skills by following a methodology based on tested actions and sound organizational approaches. You will leave this course better equipped to confidently tackle any decision large or small, and you’ll do so in a way that creates the optimal conditions for success.

Faculty Author

Robert Bloomfield

Benefits to the Learner

  • Respond decisively and consistently when faced with situations that require a decision
  • Determine the most important features of the decision you need to make, based on the setting and the context 
  • Recognize and compensate for psychological factors in yourself and in others that affect decision quality
  • Incorporate available information into decisions, with an awareness of the limitations of that information
  • Establish responsibilities and accountabilities to ensure effective follow­through on decisions made

Target Audience

This course is intended for mid- to upper-level managers, high potentials, and senior leaders with over three years experience. Learners may come from every continent and from a diverse range of organizations, including for profits large and small, NGOs, and governmental agencies.

Accrediting Associations

Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management
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