
Course Description

To be an effective leader, you must be able to articulate your thoughts and positions in a clear and concise manner.

Professor Angela Noble-Grange of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management draws on her own extensive experience as a speaker and communicator to guide students through the preparation and delivery process. She discusses how to identify the communication purpose and analyze your expected audience. She then shares how to formulate and rehearse your message, including how to pay attention to nonverbal communication.

To fine-tune these skills, this course includes interacting with fellow students. Students will participate in discussion forums and will record and share a video of a short presentation that serves as the course project. This provides rich opportunities for students to hone their communication and presentation skills in a practical way, and to learn from the efforts of others.

Participants in this certificate need a high-speed internet connection and a computer or device that can shoot digital videos with reasonable quality. The eCornell course delivery system provides the ability to record and upload videos, so you won't need special video software.

Faculty Author

Angela Noble-Grange

Benefits to the Learner

  • Analyze and define the purpose of a message
  • Evaluate the intended audience and its needs
  • Formulate the content of the message
  • Embrace and rehearse the content
  • Deliver the message with maximum effectiveness

Target Audience

  • Mid- to upper-level managers, high potentials, and senior leaders
  • Learners may come from every continent and from a diverse range of organizations, including for profits large and small, NGOs, and governmental agencies
  • Manager or individual contributor with over three years experience needing to pitch or present to others, formally and informally, in a professional setting

Accrediting Associations

Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management
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