
Course Description

If you have discovered or suspect that your child or a child you care about is self-injuring, you are most likely (and understandably) feeling fear, coupled with a strong desire to help your child.  As a parent of a child who is self-injuring, you should know that you are not alone and that you play a critical role in your child’s recovery process.

This course is based on research and is designed to provide parents with facts and practical knowledge to move past initial reactions and move on to supporting your child, your family, and yourself.

Faculty Author

Janis Whitlock

Benefits to the Learner

Upon completion of the course, learners will:

  • Know what self-injury is and why individuals self-injure.
  • Understand the key role you play in your child's recovery.
  • Understand the critical elements of the recovery process.
  • Gain skills in communicating with your child about self-injury.
  • Learn the keys to managing power struggles.
  • Understand how to foster a protective home environment for the whole family system.

Target Audience

This course is for parents who have discovered or suspect their child or a child they care about is self-injuring.  This course provides parents with practical knowledge and skills to support their child through recovery. Parents who want to move beyond the understandable reactions of fear and guilt and toward more useful responses to their child’s self-injury will benefit from this course.   

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Start Now, you have 183 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Fee(s)
PTRCHE005 $50.00
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