
Course Description

Strong leaders are self-confident. They know and are comfortable with themselves and have an appropriate understanding of their knowledge and skills. Strong leaders’ confidence and character inspire others to follow the leaders and to reach beyond themselves.

In this course, you will work to develop the three character dimensions of courage, humility, and compassion. On the surface, these dimensions may seem contradictory (humility and courage?). However, through the following lessons, you will see how developing resilience for courage, willfulness for humility, and strength for compassion work together to create a leader of strong character.

The following course is required to be completed before taking this course:

  • Building Leadership Character

Faculty Author

Amy Newman

Benefits to the Learner

  • Improve interpersonal confidence by demonstrating courage, humility, and compassion
  • Plan to demonstrate courage in a situation based on your values and your assessment of risks
  • Improve your humility level through perspective-taking practice
  • Apply a compassion model to a situation of suffering
  • Use mindfulness tools to increase self-compassion

Target Audience

  • Informal or formal leaders at any level in an organization
  • Religious and faith-based leaders
  • Humanitarian, non-profit, and NGO leaders
  • Anyone who is part of a work team and can influence others

Accrediting Associations

Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
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