
Course Description

Success does not just happen. Successful leaders figure out what matters most to their success and go out and make it happen. This has never been an easy process, but in today’s world it has become even more difficult: The volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments that confront organizations today require a new breed of leaders. To lead and succeed in a VUCA world, leaders must now be adept at building consensus and influencing people who are outside their direct control but whose cooperation is essential to the success of their efforts.

In this course, you will develop a checklist to help you determine the most important elements required to execute your vision and strategy. You will establish a sphere of influence that can provide external support and determine the most important elements required to accomplish your vision and strategy. Finally, you will prepare for unexpected challenges.

Faculty Author

General George W. Casey, Jr.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Work across the value chain to refine your views and adjust what you need to accomplish the vision both internally and externally
  • Align the internal culture of your organization with your vision and strategy so that you control what you can
  • Establish an external sphere of influence to support your ability to accomplish your vision and strategy so that you can influence what you don’t control

Target Audience

  • Leaders and executives at all levels, in any industry

Accrediting Associations

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management
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