
Course Description

Today, with increasing competition, it’s more important than ever that nonprofits create realistic and manageable budgets. Budgets that draw on both the unique history of the organization and funding sources willing to support them in meeting their mission. However, this alone is not enough. Your organization’s budgets and planning must be designed to handle variance based on market changes. Increasingly, nonprofits need to think about their competition, how to compete, or even how to partner with outside groups to become more successful.

In this course, Professor Joseph Grasso walks you through the budgeting process. He covers the main elements of a budget and the different types of budgets. You'll then see how Porter’s Five Forces and other analytical frameworks can be used to make budgeting and financing decisions.

As you move through the course, tools geared toward use on the job and carefully crafted activities will help you apply budgeting, debt management, and cash flow concepts and principles to your own nonprofit situation. 

Faculty Author

Joe Grasso

Benefits to the Learner

  • Assess the role of budgets in your organization
  • Prepare an operating budget that is appropriate to your organization
  • Manage cash flow to meet your organization’s financial obligations
  • Use debt financing analysis to evaluate the health of your organization's finances and management

Target Audience

Leaders, administrators, new board members; decision-making program staff; CEOs and executive directors without a formal finance background from a range of types of nonprofits. People seeking promotion into administrative or managerial roles.
Cornell Brooks School of Public Policy
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