
Course Description

Contracts are often written by legal professionals, but the best business deals are ones worked out collaboratively by people who know their business operations intimately. 

This course will help you gain a seat at the negotiating table, familiarizing you with legal terms and concepts involved in business deals. You’ll learn how to collaborate with legal counsel and help negotiating parties address information gaps to reach agreement. 

With content provided by two Cornell Law School professors and two practicing corporate attorneys, this course is rich with practical video content and a course project that’s designed to help you apply what you’ve learned to your own work situation. 

Faculty Author

Charles K. Whitehead; Robert Hillman

Benefits to the Learner

  • Analyze the structure of contracts
  • Embrace basic contract principles and guidelines
  • Evaluate how contract provisions address information gaps and assign risk in a business agreement
  • Prepare for effective use of representations, warranties and covenants in contracts
  • Assess the benefits and challenges associated with post-closing price adjustments 

Target Audience

Any person in business who needs to better understand business-related legal issues and who wants to work effectively with legal professionals. The content may be especially appropriate for mid-level business leaders in large companies and senior business people in start-ups. 
Cornell Law School; Cornell Law School
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