
Course Description

In many cases, data is crucial to business strategy and decision making. For these situations, you will need to adapt your writing for longer, more complex messages that involve quantitative data. In this course, you will gain best practices to help you write effectively about numbers while getting your key message across. By thinking about your audience and your purpose, you will practice effectively planning and executing your communications that involve numbers and data. Beyond numbers, you will also need to think about how to use graphic elements in your writing. As you examine graphics such as tables, charts, and diagrams, you will identify the best times to strategically use each type of visual support. Finally, you will explore a type of report called a reading deck, determining when to use one, how to craft one, and how to use it effectively to communicate your message.

Faculty Author

Craig R. Snow

Benefits to the Learner

  • Determine when to utilize tables, charts, graphs, and concept visuals to effectively communicate data
  • Distinguish the unique characteristics of a reading deck
  • Plan and create parts of report decks that include effective and supportive graphic elements

Target Audience

  • Managers
  • Executives
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Professionals interested in improving their business-writing skills

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management
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