
Course Description

In this course, you will gain a foundation in historic preservation by identifying exactly what historic preservation is, its roots, and its associated laws and legislation. You will engage with the topics of historic building preservation and recognize the positive role they play in environmental sustainability and community improvement. Finally, through a practical case study, you will gain strategies and tools to dissect proposals and advocate for historic preservation in a modern building renovation.

Faculty Author

Dr. Katelin Olson

Benefits to the Learner

  • Defend a sustainable historic preservation position on a project proposal
  • Identify connections and conflicts between preservation and sustainability approaches
  • Analyze energy-efficiency strategies for historic and other existing buildings
  • Present documentation highlighting the value of historic preservation as a tool for sustainability

Target Audience

  • Architects
  • Structural/civil engineers
  • Historic preservation planners
  • Municipal planners
  • Private sector planners
  • Real estate developers
  • Environmental professionals

Accrediting Associations

Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
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