
Course Description

While the centricity of business strategy may ebb and flow with time, the rapid escalation of data availability in recent decades has driven a shift in focus toward customers that is likely permanent. Success in the current environment is increasingly dependent on the strategic and contextual relevance of customer management strategies, both of which depend on a highly granular characterization and utilization of customer value.

In this course, you will explore customer centricity from a holistic perspective, reviewing and aligning various strategies to consolidate your approach to customer management. You will go from identifying and contextualizing value derivation as it pertains to customer portfolios to developing and applying a comprehensive framework to efficiently diagnose, predict, and resolve potential obstacles to customer lifetime value for a real-world business in the course project. Along the way, you will review tactics for the acquisition, retention, and development of customers, aligning their deployment with value considerations and predictions to achieve overarching business goals and drive profitable growth.

The following courses are required to be completed before taking this course:

  • Leveraging Customers for Growth
  • A/B Testing and Analytics
  • Customer Behavior Segmentation Analysis
  • Predicting Customer Response

Faculty Author

Young-Hoon Park

Benefits to the Learner

  • Create value for customers
  • Manage customers
  • Manage processes for profitable growth

Target Audience

  • Marketers
  • Marketing and business analysts
  • Managers using data insights to make business decisions

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management
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