
Course Description

Your product has been designed and you've decided it's ready for the marketplace. How will you get it into the hands of customers? This course addresses key issues associated with distribution channels, including the role of intermediaries and the type of arrangement you will have with them. You will also explore the pros and cons of online vs. offline distribution, the needs of customers as related to how you market and sell your product, and several ways in which profit margins are affected by channel decisions. To apply these skills, you will help to identify appropriate distribution channels and create a distribution plan for your product as you continue progressing your example Go-To-Market Plan.

The following courses are required to be completed before taking this course:

  • Key Performance Indicators for Marketing
  • The Customer Journey and Segmentation
  • Targeting and Positioning
  • Product Design and Testing

Faculty Author

Stijn van Osselaer

Benefits to the Learner

  • Assess potential distribution channels for a product
  • Determine the best channels and identify the steps required to set them up
  • Assess profit margins in different channels

Target Audience

  • Marketing managers
  • Product managers
  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners
  • Anyone responsible for bringing a product to market
  • Non-marketing professionals and business leaders looking to develop customer strategy

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
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