
Course Description

Even the best segmentation, targeting, and positioning will be of no use if your team’s product isn't well designed and properly tested. In this course, you will consider why products fail and what steps you can take to increase your chances of success. You will explore concept testing and conjoint analysis and apply their results to decisions about product features. You will also be introduced to volumetric forecasting and the process of deciding when a product is ready for launch. Finally, you will craft a concept description of your product, summarize any concept testing, and describe the specific features that you've decided to include in your product, further building on a practical Go-To-Market Plan.

The following courses are required to be completed before taking this course:

  • Key Performance Indicators for Marketing
  • The Customer Journey and Segmentation
  • Targeting and Positioning

Faculty Author

Stijn van Osselaer

Benefits to the Learner

  • Use tools to decide what features to include in your product
  • Test customer response to the product at multiple stages
  • Perform conjoint analysis

Target Audience

  • Marketing managers
  • Product managers
  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners
  • Anyone responsible for bringing a product to market
  • Non-marketing professionals and business leaders looking to develop customer strategy

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
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