
Course Description

Negotiations occur in large and small ways across all industries and in our personal lives. So often, though, we lack the skills necessary to reach productive resolutions: Many negotiators focus on getting exactly what they want, but the negotiation usually ends with both parties feeling unsatisfied. What if both parties strove to create value for each other and find solutions that meet both of their needs?

In this course, you will discover the art of integrative negotiation, where the focus is on creating value and finding solutions that satisfy the needs of all parties involved. Using policy case studies, you will break past the surface-level statements of the other party and examine their true motivations and interests in order to build trust and foster long-term, productive relationships. You will distinguish between several different negotiation types so that you can customize an appropriate integrative approach based on the context and goals of each negotiation. Utilizing a strategic framework, you will position yourself to understand the impact of the objectives, biases, and external factors involved in your negotiation. Applying the tools from this course will enable professionals from all walks of life, including those making policy decisions in governments and business decisions in organizations, to gain value. By the end of this course, you will have new skills and strategies to apply to reach productive resolutions in your negotiations.

Faculty Author

Tarcisio Alvarez-Rivero

Benefits to the Learner

  • Identify different negotiation types, their relationships, and relevant factors
  • Distinguish between the interests and positions of yourself and your negotiating partners using integrative negotiation techniques
  • Prepare for your negotiation by getting to know yourself, the other party, and the negotiation environment
  • Manage the action by applying integrative tactics to your negotiation

Target Audience

  • Managers
  • Professionals responsible for vendor relations and contracts
  • Senior leaders
  • Nonprofit leaders
  • Public servants
  • Attorneys
  • Individuals interested in enhancing their negotiation skills

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Brooks School of Public Policy
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