
Course Description

The traditional view of team management focuses on improving interactions within a set structure in order to improve the team’s performance. In this course, Professor Filipowicz offers a different perspective, one founded on the premise that how you structure the team from the start is what simultaneously drives the team’s interactions and also its performance. 
This course is about teams, and thus course completion will require participation in two team-based activities in order to solidify your understanding of how to best run a team. The first activity will require you to gather a team of friends or colleagues to participate in a 30-minute exercise. The second team-based activity will require you to collaborate virtually in a challenge with your fellow classmates. You will be pre-assigned to a team of approximately 5 people upon enrollment in the course, and successful course completion will depend on your active and timely participation in the challenge.
Once you have a solid understanding of the fundamental challenges that every team faces, you’ll learn a set of simple, comprehensive checklists that will allow you to both design and run any team for maximum performance. 

Faculty Author

Allan M. Filipowicz

Benefits to the Learner

  • Solve the fundamental challenges of teams by setting the right goals, allocating roles to maximize individual skills, and avoiding process losses
  • Diagnose the structural dimensions of a team
  • Build or rebuild any team to maximize its effectiveness

Target Audience

  • Individual contributors
  • Managers and team leaders
  • Senior managers and executives
  • Any professional looking to become more effective at interacting with colleagues, clients, reports, or superiors
Cornell University's Johnson School
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