
Course Description

In this course, you will begin by physically connecting components to a microcontroller board then sort out the code needed to make the microcontroller and the external components communicate in a fluid way. This will introduce you to the world of libraries and sample code, and you will have the opportunity to expand your coding skills by adapting existing code written by others. You will set up timing and communication functions as you become skilled at deciding when to choose the most applicable approach.

You will also design interactive behaviors using state diagrams, because behind every great user interface is a well-conceived and well-implemented diagram of what states the system gets into and how it transitions from one state to another as the user reacts to the device. This practical work culminates in a final project where you will design and construct a simple game involving the Arduino with your choice of input and display components.

The circuit-building activities in this course will be focused on external components that involve various kinds of display, with other classes of external components to be considered in subsequent courses.

You are required to have completed the following course or have equivalent experience before taking this course:

  • Designing a Simple Interactive System

Faculty Author

Wendy Ju

Benefits to the Learner

  • Employ the interfacing capabilities of a microcontroller to utilize external display components
  • Use the timing and communication functions of a microcontroller
  • Identify and adapt sample code and libraries to implement a desired interactive function
  • Assemble and debug circuits with external systems
  • Design simple behaviors and states for interactive systems

Target Audience

  • Engineers
  • Research and design professionals
  • Product designers and developers
  • Software engineers
  • Electronics hobbyists
  • Designers/artists with the appropriate background
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Career starters

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Tech
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