
Course Description

In this course, you will discover the forces that disempower and divide people, and keep them from getting involved. You will determine what motivates you to confront these forces and inspires you to work for change. You will then discover practical steps to recruit, expand, and develop a group of people who want to work for change together, and you will create a plan for how you will follow these steps to build your base. Then, you will explore two ways to build a cohesive and trusting group of people who can work together to create change. You will articulate a statement of why your group should take urgent action to create change, and explain how you will ensure that meetings of your group are effective, equitable, and collaborative. Using the tools in this course, you will be prepared to engage in collective action and motivate others to do so along with you.

Faculty Author

Russell Weaver

Benefits to the Learner

  • Recognize the forces that disempower people and determine what motivates you to confront them
  • Build a plan to recruit and organize a base of people ready to take action
  • Prepare to engage in collective action by articulating urgency and holding effective meetings

Target Audience

  • Activists and community development organizers and practitioners
  • Policy makers and political staff
  • Public interest lawyers and advocates
  • Leaders and members of organized labor organizations
  • Urban planners and strategic planning agencies
  • Social workers
  • Grant writers
  • Educators
  • People interested in engaging in community change

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell ILR School
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