
Course Description

Many new food product and innovation ideas that make it to the market are ultimately unsuccessful, typically because their creators did not take the proper steps to ensure there was a sustainable market opportunity. In this course, you will assess the feasibility of new food product or innovation ideas. This will enable you to invest your time, money, and other resources in ventures with a possibility for success. You will also incorporate consumer research in order to create a food product or venture protocept. Finally, you will use this research to ensure that your protocept is appropriate to take to the next level of product development.

Faculty Author

Cynthia James and Olga I. Padilla-Zakour

Benefits to the Learner

  • Define an initial food product or venture concept and determine initial feasibility
  • Determine the information needed to create a well-defined protocept, including the innovation driver that differentiates the product
  • Conduct research and develop a well-defined food product or venture protocept
  • Complete consumer research and refine a food product or venture protocept ready for the phase of the product development process

Target Audience

  • Food and beverage entrepreneurs
  • Food and beverage processors
  • Food scientists
  • Chefs and caterers
  • Farmers/growers
  • State and federal inspectors
  • Food consultants
Cornell CALS
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