
Course Description

In this course, you will examine security for computers and networked information systems. The focus is abstractions, principles, and defenses for implementing military and commercial-grade secure systems. Through this lens, you will explore security and survivability for computers and communications networks as well as policy issues such as the national debates on cryptography policy and the meaning of privacy. That journey will be informed by a survey of technical means for implementing the various properties that comprise "trustworthiness" in a computing system, including mechanisms for authorization and authentication along with cryptographic protocols.

Faculty Author

Fred Schneider

Benefits to the Learner

  • Develop practical literacy in systems security
  • Judge systems to identify problems and invoke experts
  • Use principles, abstractions, and concepts to decipher on which system details to focus
  • Examine how to design and analyze secure systems

Target Audience

  • IT professionals
  • Developers
  • Programmers
  • Analysts
  • Software engineers
  • Cybersecurity professionals

Accrediting Associations

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell Bowers Computing and Information Science
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