
Course Description

In complex engineered systems and design processes, you do not have the luxury of having fully defined decision alternatives with a clear mapping of their performance trade-offs or consequences. As you transition from classical discrete-choice problems, problem structuring and evaluation tools must become more advanced in their ability to explore large design problems while providing innovative decision analytical tools for helping to clearly map possibilities, their trade-offs, and key consequences.

In this course, you will discover how to formulate multi-objective design problems and more formally consider their trade-offs using the concepts of non-dominance, Pareto optimality, and a posteriori decision support.

Faculty Author

Patrick Reed

Benefits to the Learner

  • Formulate multi-objective design problems and explore their trade-offs using the concepts of non-dominance, Pareto optimality, and trade-off analysis
  • Examine a priori strategies versus a posteriori strategies for addressing multi-objective trade-offs
  • Explore the challenges for creatively generating design alternatives without simulations
  • Understand how to use simulations and computational discovery to develop design innovations

Target Audience

  • Engineers in any field, including mechanical, electrical, civil, and environmental
  • Aspiring data scientists, data analysts, and market analysts
  • Anyone who needs to make highly consequential decisions or inform solutions in the face of uncertainty or multiple and conflicting objectives

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
2 week
Jan 29, 2025 to Feb 11, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
2 week
Apr 23, 2025 to May 06, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
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