
Course Description

Data scientists use data collected from the real world to answer questions and solve problems that would otherwise be intractable. But since the world is complex, data collected to describe the world can also be complex, which makes it messy and difficult to work with. To successfully analyze data, data scientists need to spend time cleaning — or organizing and manipulating — their data to put it into a form that is easier to work with and understand.

In this course, you will delve into the world of data cleaning by presenting and manipulating your data with the Tidyverse in R. You will organize data by selecting only the variables you're interested in, creating new groups of data, and summarizing data in a way that makes sense for the questions you’re trying to ask. You will also create high-quality plots to quickly summarize complex data. You will become familiar with the concept of tidy data and organize data sets in a way that allows for the most efficient analysis. Finally, you will work with data types of more complexity so that you can answer increasingly difficult questions as you take your new skills into your workplace. You will practice all these skills by working with four real-world, complex data sets. This course involves many hands-on coding exercises that will help you take your programming skills to the next level.

System requirements: This course contains a virtual programming environment that does not support the use of Safari, Edge, tablets, or mobile devices. Please use Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer on a computer for this course.

“Exploring Data Sets With R” and “Measuring Relationships and Uncertainty” must be completed prior to starting this course.

Faculty Author

Kara Karpman

Benefits to the Learner

  • Tidy and clean a data set to answer specific questions
  • Create data visualizations that you can use for exploratory data analysis and presentations
  • Combine two data sets on a common variable so you can answer more complex and varied questions
  • Format date-time objects and text data to gain information from a data set and perform analyses of greater complexity.

Target Audience

  • Current and aspiring data scientists and analysts
  • Business decision makers
  • Marketing analysts
  • Consultants
  • Executives
  • Anyone seeking to gain deeper exposure to data science

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
2 week
Sep 18, 2024 to Oct 01, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
Section Notes


  • Please note the content in the Data Science Essentials course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed the courses in order. For example; CIS445 prior to CIS446, CIS446 prior to CIS447, etc.
2 week
Oct 30, 2024 to Nov 12, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
Section Notes


  • Please note the content in the Data Science Essentials course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed the courses in order. For example; CIS445 prior to CIS446, CIS446 prior to CIS447, etc.
2 week
Dec 11, 2024 to Dec 24, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
Section Notes


  • Please note the content in the Data Science Essentials course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed the courses in order. For example; CIS445 prior to CIS446, CIS446 prior to CIS447, etc.
2 week
Jan 22, 2025 to Feb 04, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
Section Notes


  • Please note the content in the Data Science Essentials course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed the courses in order. For example; CIS445 prior to CIS446, CIS446 prior to CIS447, etc.
2 week
Mar 05, 2025 to Mar 18, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
Section Notes


  • Please note the content in the Data Science Essentials course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed the courses in order. For example; CIS445 prior to CIS446, CIS446 prior to CIS447, etc.
2 week
Apr 16, 2025 to Apr 29, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
Section Notes


  • Please note the content in the Data Science Essentials course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed the courses in order. For example; CIS445 prior to CIS446, CIS446 prior to CIS447, etc.
2 week
May 28, 2025 to Jun 10, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $435.00
Section Notes


  • Please note the content in the Data Science Essentials course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed the courses in order. For example; CIS445 prior to CIS446, CIS446 prior to CIS447, etc.
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