
Course Description

Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced to simulate human intelligence, enabling computers to perform tasks such as understanding natural language, learning from experience, problem solving, and making decisions. This course introduces you to both traditional and modern AI approaches, starting with Good Old-Fashioned AI (GOFAI), which relies on symbolic logic. You'll discover how to teach computers to make predictions and decisions using machine learning techniques, focusing on practical applications that solve real-world problems and creating business value.

Through hands-on exercises, you will design and refine machine learning models, including logistic regression and decision trees. You'll develop the skills to build AI systems that can predict outcomes and improve over time. By the end of this course, you will be able to create AI solutions that effectively leverage data to meet specific business objectives.

You are required to have completed the following course or have equivalent experience before taking this course: 

  • Creating Business Value With AI

Faculty Author

Lutz Finger

Benefits to the Learner

  • Design a rule-based symbolic AI system
  • Develop a business objective for a supervised classifier
  • Build a supervised classifier with regression
  • Build a supervised classifier with decision trees
  • Refine a supervised classifier to improve its performance

Target Audience

  • Professionals seeking fundamental AI skill development
  • Product managers and leaders
  • Early-career AI specialists
  • Data scientists 
  • Tech enthusiasts
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Venture capitalists
  • C-suite leaders 
  • Innovators and design thinkers
  • Anyone interested in applying AI and automation in their industry

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
3 week
Sep 11, 2024 to Oct 01, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in this certificate program was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB701: Creating Business Value With AI prior to JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI, and JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI prior to JCB703: Leveraging Data for AI Solutions, etc. 
  • You have just received access to Symposium for one year! Symposium features various live, highly participatory virtual Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to explore today’s most pressing AI topics. Throughout the year, you may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending a Symposium is not required to successfully complete the certificate program.
3 week
Oct 02, 2024 to Oct 22, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in this certificate program was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB701: Creating Business Value With AI prior to JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI, and JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI prior to JCB703: Leveraging Data for AI Solutions, etc. 
  • You have just received access to Symposium for one year! Symposium features various live, highly participatory virtual Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to explore today’s most pressing AI topics. Throughout the year, you may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending a Symposium is not required to successfully complete the certificate program.
3 week
Nov 27, 2024 to Dec 17, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in this certificate program was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB701: Creating Business Value With AI prior to JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI, and JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI prior to JCB703: Leveraging Data for AI Solutions, etc. 
  • You have just received access to Symposium for one year! Symposium features various live, highly participatory virtual Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to explore today’s most pressing AI topics. Throughout the year, you may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending a Symposium is not required to successfully complete the certificate program.
3 week
Jan 22, 2025 to Feb 11, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in this certificate program was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB701: Creating Business Value With AI prior to JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI, and JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI prior to JCB703: Leveraging Data for AI Solutions, etc. 
  • You have just received access to Symposium for one year! Symposium features various live, highly participatory virtual Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to explore today’s most pressing AI topics. Throughout the year, you may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending a Symposium is not required to successfully complete the certificate program.
3 week
Mar 19, 2025 to Apr 08, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in this certificate program was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB701: Creating Business Value With AI prior to JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI, and JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI prior to JCB703: Leveraging Data for AI Solutions, etc. 
  • You have just received access to Symposium for one year! Symposium features various live, highly participatory virtual Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to explore today’s most pressing AI topics. Throughout the year, you may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending a Symposium is not required to successfully complete the certificate program.
3 week
May 14, 2025 to Jun 03, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in this certificate program was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB701: Creating Business Value With AI prior to JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI, and JCB702: Exploring Good Old-Fashioned AI prior to JCB703: Leveraging Data for AI Solutions, etc. 
  • You have just received access to Symposium for one year! Symposium features various live, highly participatory virtual Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to explore today’s most pressing AI topics. Throughout the year, you may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending a Symposium is not required to successfully complete the certificate program.
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