
Course Description

Market experiments are an important way companies can test new products, examine pricing options, and continue to be industry leaders through innovation. Today, experimentation has become even more important because the use of algorithms and AI in businesses implies that companies can make faster decisions at a fine granularity and vast scale; e.g., by customizing product offerings for each geography or changing prices many times a day. It is not possible for human beings to manage, validate, and improve decision making at such a scale without using experiments. Ultimately, experiments help companies make decisions about what is working, what isn't working, and what could work in the marketplace.

In this course, you will explore the types and uses of experiments, design experiments, analyze experiment results, and apply techniques to ensure your firm's experiments produce reliable results.

The following courses are required to be completed before taking this course:

  • Designing Digital and Data-Driven Business Operations
  • Exploring the Fundamentals of Forecasting Demand

Faculty Author

Vishal Gaur

Benefits to the Learner

  • Design a controlled experiment and analyze the results
  • Design an experiment using clustering
  • Achieve success in experiments

Target Audience

  • Managers, leaders, and executives
  • Business analysts
  • Digital transformation managers
  • Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs

Accrediting Associations

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
2 week
Dec 25, 2024 to Jan 07, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in our Digital Business Operations course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB511: Designing Digital and Data-Driven Business Operations prior to JCB512: Exploring the Fundamentals of Forecasting Demand, and JCB512: Exploring the Fundamentals of Forecasting Demand prior to JCB513: Designing Experiments in Retail and Online Businesses, etc.
  • Experience using Excel to build formulas, plot data, and manipulate data along with previous coursework in algebra or calculus is needed to successfully complete this certificate.
2 week
Mar 19, 2025 to Apr 01, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in our Digital Business Operations course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB511: Designing Digital and Data-Driven Business Operations prior to JCB512: Exploring the Fundamentals of Forecasting Demand, and JCB512: Exploring the Fundamentals of Forecasting Demand prior to JCB513: Designing Experiments in Retail and Online Businesses, etc.
  • Experience using Excel to build formulas, plot data, and manipulate data along with previous coursework in algebra or calculus is needed to successfully complete this certificate.
2 week
Jun 11, 2025 to Jun 24, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Contract Fee $100.00
Section Notes


  • Please note that the content in our Digital Business Operations course curriculum was developed to be completed in sequential order as course concepts build throughout the program. With this in mind, please be sure you are scheduled to complete or have completed JCB511: Designing Digital and Data-Driven Business Operations prior to JCB512: Exploring the Fundamentals of Forecasting Demand, and JCB512: Exploring the Fundamentals of Forecasting Demand prior to JCB513: Designing Experiments in Retail and Online Businesses, etc.
  • Experience using Excel to build formulas, plot data, and manipulate data along with previous coursework in algebra or calculus is needed to successfully complete this certificate.
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