
Course Description

Managing people in a healthcare organization is all about effective communication and good leadership practices—both of which will allow you to create a top-notch team. In this course, Dr. Karpman will share his expertise in medicine and business and give you a framework  to evaluate yourself and the people you work with through the lens of your organization's mission, vision, and values. You’ll also work to solve communication issues at both the organizational and individual levels.

In the five-part course project, Dr. Karpman will challenge you to define goals and values, plan for performance management, find efficiencies by planning better meetings, refine your mediation skills, and evaluate organizational communication. Dr. Karpman will also talk to you about the importance of promoting a culture of safety, and using time-tested teamwork and performance strategies to improve your organization.

Faculty Author

Robert Karpman

Benefits to the Learner

  • Manage cross-disciplinary teams geared toward organizational goals
  • Assess and address individual and team performance
  • Plan and run effective meetings
  • Resolve conflict involving team members
  • Communicate and exert influence at all levels of an organization to ensure good outcomes

Target Audience

Medical, nursing, and dental professionals involved in delivering clinical care who hold or who aspire to administrative or managerial responsibilities. Students may come from any size practice, and could work in either the for-profit and non-profit sector, primarily in North America.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
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