4 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Marketers
  • PR professionals
  • Communications professionals
  • Content creators
  • Creative producers
  • Journalists and media professionals
  • Scriptwriters and filmmakers
  • Authors


  • Brand Storytelling Certificate from Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • 40 Professional Development Hours (4 CEUs)

Certificate Description

The stronger your brand narrative – the story you tell about your brand via characters, settings, and themes – the more effective you can make all of your brand communications.

In this program, you will hone your storytelling strategies and gain the skills needed to build an engaging brand narrative for your personal or professional brand. You will explore the different elements that make up a brand narrative and the ways a story can evoke emotion to make it memorable. Just as important as the content of your story is the mode used to tell it. Accordingly, you will examine the benefits of different platforms, such as podcasts and video. You’ll complete several hands-on projects to create storytelling media, including producing compelling interviews, while developing your audio and visual production skills. With your final products in hand, you will discover best practices to promote your work.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Brand Storytelling

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $1,740.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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