6 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • HR professionals
  • Recruiters and talent management professionals
  • Managers and executives
  • Compliance and risk management professionals


  • Immigration Law Certificate from Cornell Law School
  • 60 Professional Development Hours (6 CEUs)

Certificate Description

As the world becomes increasingly globalized and interdependent, so too does recruiting and hiring top talent. The decision to pursue international talent, however, is not always straightforward — it requires significant consideration.

This certificate program from Cornell Law School gives an overview of U.S. immigration law, which will provide you with the skills needed to strategize the trade-offs of various options for business visas. Whether you’re an HR professional or you manage a team, the courses in this program will equip you to recognize where a business immigration issue might also become a legal problem, to better comprehend how the law works (and doesn’t work), and to discern how lawyers approach immigration-related situations facing businesses. Additionally, you will discover how to identify where the ambiguities in immigration law can pose challenges and offer opportunities.

By the end of this program, you will be able to assess your organization’s options for hiring, retaining, and terminating non-U.S. citizens, and partner with your legal counsel to advance the staffing and talent needs of your organization while complying with U.S. immigration law.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Immigration Law

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $2,610.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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