4 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Executives
  • Board members
  • Founders and entrepreneurs
  • Accountants
  • Auditors
  • Investment bankers
  • Professionals working with boards of directors
  • Professionals working in highly regulated industries
  • Professionals working with lawyers


  • Corporate Governance Certificate from Cornell Law School
  • 40 Professional Development Hours (4.0 CEUs)

Certificate Description

When it comes to corporate governance, it is crucial to have a thorough and applicable understanding of the roles, rights, and interactions at play.

This certificate program provides an overview of the different types of business organizations, including limited liability companies, partnerships, and corporations, covering key elements of corporate governance law in order to enable you to understand, anticipate, and respond to the concerns of various stakeholders within your organization. You will analyze the roles and duties of corporate directors, management, and shareholders, then apply the laws surrounding fiduciary duties and the business judgment rule to various simulated corporate transactions or decisions. You will then determine how to avoid and reduce the risk of criminal liability arising within an organizational setting and apply this practical knowledge to business decisions. You’ll establish ways to minimize potential disruptions, honing the ability to navigate internal and external investigations into possible wrongdoing to a successful and efficient close. Ultimately, by building a plan to respond to anticipated questions and concerns from all types of stakeholders, you will be prepared to put your newfound knowledge into practice in your organization and beyond.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Corporate Governance

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $1,740.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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