5 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Organizational leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Individual contributors
  • Anyone who wants to leverage AI to transform themselves and their organization


  • Generative AI for Productivity Certificate from Cornell Tech
  • 80 Professional Development Hours (8 CEUs)

Certificate Description

Recent breakthroughs in generative AI are impacting every area of work and life. These technologies have the potential to automate tasks commonly associated with the highest levels of human intelligence. Organizations and individuals able to harness the potential of generative AI will gain a huge advantage, while those that don’t risk becoming obsolete.

In this program, you will critically evaluate the most effective ways to adopt generative AI technologies. Throughout the courses, you will explore how advances in AI have enabled new, highly scalable, and low-cost ways of automating cognitive work. You’ll discover how to harness the potential of AI to radically increase individual productivity, transform organizational processes, and enable new business models. By the end of the program, you will be prepared to strategically leverage generative AI to transform yourself and your organization for this new digital era.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

This certificate includes a year of free access to Symposium! These events feature live, highly participatory virtual Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to explore today’s most pressing topics. Throughout the year, you may participate in as many sessions as you wish. Attending a Symposium is not required to successfully complete the certificate program.

Certificate Print Title

Generative AI for Productivity

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $500.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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