5 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Business analysts
  • Professionals who work with databases or data warehouses
  • Managers using data insights to make business decisions
  • Marketing analysts
  • Product analysts


  • Data Management in SQL Certificate from Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
  • 120 Professional Development Hours (12 CEUs)

Certificate Description

In business today, it is crucial to be able to answer relevant questions through data. Whether you’re a career starter looking for applicable skills or a business leader looking for context for your strategy, understanding how your teams store, examine, and utilize data can better set you up for success.

In this program, you will discover how to enter data into a well-designed database and interact with it using Structured Query Language (SQL). You’ll begin with subjects related to data rules and database design, where you will explore the different ways to analyze, manipulate, integrate, and extract insights from data. With that foundational knowledge established, you will then delve into the fundamentals of database design and conclude the program with a brief exploration of scalability and automation. Ultimately, by learning how to approach, structure, and solve business problems through the organization and manipulation of data, you will be prepared to put your newfound understanding into practice in your organization and beyond, setting you apart in a competitive business landscape.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Data Management in SQL

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $2,175.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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