6 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Aspiring web developers, web designers, and UX designers
  • Backend programmers who need front-end skills to become full-stack developers
  • Self-taught web programmers
  • Entrepreneurs


  • Web Design and Development Certificate from Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science
  • 60 Professional Development Hours (6 CEUs)

Certificate Description

This front-end web development certificate is all about designing and building websites that are focused on the needs of users, striking a balance between form and function. From the very beginning, you will explore the ideas of mental models and target audience personas. By taking a design-first, code-second approach, you will learn to structure content and make informed design decisions based on the needs of potential website visitors before writing a single line of code. Foundational concepts of writing valid HTML and CSS are paired with accessibility best practices to ensure you can implement your designs effectively and accurately. Through an introduction to JavaScript, jQuery, and data collection, you will explore adding simple interactivity and forms to your websites. Throughout these courses, you will practice meeting the needs of your target audiences while designing web experiences that are attractive, functional, and accessible.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Web Design and Development

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $2,610.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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