6 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Product management professionals with <5 years experience
  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners
  • Business analysts
  • Product marketing managers
  • Data analysts
  • Engineers and developers
  • Operations managers
  • Designers
  • People interested in transitioning to the tech industry


  • Product Management Certificate from Cornell Tech
  • 60 Professional Development Hours (6 CEUs)
  • 36 Professional Development Units (PDUs) toward PMI recertification
  • 60 PD hours towards IIBA's core certification program OR 60 CDUS towards IIBA's recertification

Certificate Description

Product management is among today’s most desirable skill sets, often serving as a direct path into executive leadership in organizations and making or breaking success for entrepreneurs. In this program, you will develop the product mindset needed to bring viable products to market. The courses are designed to give product managers a deeper understanding of what it takes to bring a product from idea, to launch, to future iteration. You will begin by defining the problem a product will solve as you map the customer’s journey and articulate user personas. You’ll have the opportunity to learn important facets of product roadmapping decisions and prototyping through a number of product management activities, including how to partner with designers to create codeless prototypes. The focus then moves to measuring progress against objectives and presenting product learnings to stakeholders. You will apply these skills to build and launch into production, ensuring end-product success as you bring your product to market.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Product Management

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Product Management
Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $2,610.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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