5 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Sales representatives
  • Sales managers
  • Account managers
  • Organizational leaders who want to better understand sales team strategies 


  • Sales Growth Certificate from Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management
  • 50 Professional Development Hours (5 CEUs)

Certificate Description

This five-course certificate provides sales managers with the skills needed to build an actionable roadmap for driving sales growth. Learn how to conduct micro-market analysis to find hidden and unique opportunities, discover strategies to streamline your go-to-market process to increase face time with the highest-priority clients, and focus your value proposition for higher conversion rates.

Based on the book Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World’s Sales Leaders, authored by experts at McKinsey & Company, the courses translate insights from 150 sales leaders into clear and practical guidelines for action. These tools and strategies provide a foundation in key frontline sales concepts to drive real growth in your company.

For the best experience in this program it is recommended to take these courses in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Sales Growth

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $2,175.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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