4 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Finance professionals
  • Data analysts
  • Data scientists
  • Business analysts
  • Engineers
  • Managers and executives
  • Students who need in-depth Excel knowledge


  • Spreadsheet Modeling Certificate from Cornell College of Engineering
  • 64 Professional Development Hours (6.4 CEUS)

Certificate Description

Most organizations are awash in data yet struggle to transform it into meaningful information. In this certificate program, you will master the ability to analyze data efficiently; convey information effectively; and build valuable, robust, and reusable models to support decision making in a professional environment.

Throughout the courses, you will work with realistic datasets in Excel to build dashboards and models that enable you to evaluate decision alternatives. You will start by converting a raw dataset into one that is complete, clean, and ready to use as an accurate data source. Using Excel’s built-in analysis tools, you’ll have the opportunity to develop user-friendly dashboards to enable discovery and diagnosis by members of your team. You will also build evaluation models that assess tradeoffs and incorporate the impact of uncertainty. Finally, you will use optimization functions and VBA-guided heuristics to find effective solutions to problems and aid in rapid decision making. You will come away from the program not only with advanced Excel knowledge but with the tools to effectively communicate relevant insights to stakeholders.

Students should be familiar with fundamental spreadsheet concepts such as formulas and functions and be comfortable using basic summarization functions in order to be successful in this program.

These courses use Microsoft Excel 2016 for Windows, and are compatible with Microsoft Excel 2019 and Microsoft Excel 365.

It is strongly recommended that students take the courses in the order they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Spreadsheet Modeling

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $1,740.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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