5 Courses Required

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Target Audience

  • IT professionals
  • Marketing professionals
  • Managers and executives
  • Product development professionals
  • Data scientists
  • Professionals responsible for cybersecurity and privacy-related concerns
  • HR professionals
  • Legal professionals


  • Data Security and Privacy Policy Certificate from Cornell Law School
  • 50 Professional Development Hours (5.0 CEUs)

Certificate Description

Personal data is a tremendous asset for many organizations doing business in today's global digital economy. This data can also become a major liability for organizations that may be subject to vulnerabilities within their security systems. One of the biggest challenges businesses face is safeguarding personally identifiable information collected from customers by creating a sustainable framework for securing this data for decades to come.

In this certificate program, you will go through the steps you can take as a privacy professional charged with the responsibility of protecting private data. You will discover how a strategy of the three Fs – find it, face it, fix it – will help protect your private data from the threat of malware, ransomware, and other cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Starting from an understanding of your organization’s current protection system, you will build on that framework, taking valuable tools back to your teams in support of preparing for the unexpected.

Throughout this certificate program, you will delve into case studies and industry examples showcasing how organizations can deal with privacy incidents, overcome them, and become stronger following security attacks. As the business world continuously evolves, so does the exposure to new cybersecurity threats. While you may not be able to avoid every vulnerability, this program will show you how to prepare for the unexpected and plan an effective response to almost any cybersecurity crisis. By the end of the program, you will be set up to effect change at your organization, thereby reducing your risk, preparing for crisis management, and instilling a culture of cybersecurity throughout your teams and beyond.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Data Security and Privacy Policy

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $2,175.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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