7 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Tech industry professionals
  • Researchers and academics
  • Scientists
  • Engineers
  • Clinicians
  • Graduate and Ph.D. candidates seeking to move into business
  • Individual contributors looking for career advancement opportunities


  • Business Management in STEM Certificate from Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
  • 70 Professional Development Hours (7 CEUs)

Certificate Description

Many professionals initially build a career based on expertise in a specific functional domain. Yet to advance to more senior levels of management, it is often necessary to gain exposure to a more expansive view of business operations.

In this certificate program, you will build a broad foundation of business language in seven essential areas of business management specifically important for those in technology, science, and engineering. As you progress through courses in accounting, finance, human capital, sales, marketing, strategy, and legal concepts, you’ll have the opportunity to apply key business approaches in real time in your organization to deepen your understanding of these core business topics through a technology-focused lens. By the time you complete this program, you will have gained the confidence to engage in business conversations and ultimately be better prepared to make the leap to a management role.

This program draws on examples especially relevant to the science and technology industries and is a great fit for tech professionals.

For the best experience in this program it is recommended to take these courses in the order that they appear.

Certificate Print Title

Business Management in STEM

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $3,045.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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