4 Courses Required

Additional Details

Target Audience

  • Executives in global organizations
  • Corporate Social Responsibility professionals
  • Consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Professionals at NGOs or social auditing firms/investment funds
  • Team members from Sustainability Departments or Multi-stakeholder institutions


  • Human Rights in Global Supply Chains Certificate from Cornell ILR School
  • 36 Professional Development Hours (3.6 CEUs)

Certificate Description

The device you are using to read this page was created by people in the global workforce. Do you know from which country it originated? Or which international labor agreements, if any, affect the workers who made it? What about the company that sells the product; does it promise fair treatment of those workers?

In this certificate program, you will examine labor practices in the global supply chain and consider how those practices vary and evolve. First, you will examine the regulatory framework for global labor relations, including the impact of national treaties on workers. To do this, you will explore labor models in your own country as well as other relevant countries, including where your organization does business. You will then explore industry self-regulation, such as Nike’s Labor Standards, and consider the realities of auditing overseas partners. You will also identify the risks of and barriers to transparency along with the ways that reliable data can be made available to consumers and industry partners.

To complete the certificate, you will attend two 3-hour live virtual sessions with Cornell ILR School professor Sarosh Kuruvilla and Jason Judd, Executive Director of Cornell’s New Conversations Project. You’ll gain access to current research and share experiences with Cornell faculty and industry experts.

Completing this certificate will enable you to evaluate and identify strategies to improve labor practices both in your organization and within companies you conduct business with across the globe.

The courses in this certificate program are required to be completed in the order that they appear. If you choose to complete the certificate by attending the live virtual courses, please choose the dates and times that work for your schedule.

Certificate Print Title

Human Rights in Global Supply Chains

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Certificate Price
Contract Fee : $1,740.00
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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